Applicants for the full-time language program are considered for admission based on the following criteria:
- The applicant should ensure that we have received a completed and signed application and a non-refundable Pre-registration Fee of 100 JOD by two weeks before the first Registration Day (see calendar above). Applicants who apply late will be admitted on a first-come, first-serve basis until classes are full.
- The applicant should pay in full the school fees and purchase books during Registration Days. Late payment is subject to an additional fee of 30 JOD. Any portion of the school fees paid on or after the first day of classes is subject to this fee.
- Only applicants who can begin the semester on time will be admitted. Latecomers disrupt classes that have covered a great deal of special material already. Occasionally an applicant may arrive late if other arrangements are made with the Program Director to ensure that the applicant catches up with the class at the time of admission (i.e. through personal tutoring for an additional fee).
- All applicants must submit a letter of recommendation or equivalent.
- Under most circumstances, the applicant must be more than 18 years old, or attending the program with a parent.
- This list is not all-inclusive. Additional requirements will be clarified by the program office upon inquiry and/or submission of a Preliminary Registration Request Form.